Biking routes to Redwood Middle school need a significant overhaul to encourage more students to bike. Currently it is very dangerous, especially Cox Ave, Glenbrae Dr turning into Saratoga Ave, Saratoga Ave and Fruitvale intersection. While we have crossing guard at the intersection, there is no clear path to bike on Saratoga Ave to turn into Fruitvale, and we force our kids to bike on the walkway which is generally busy at that time. My proposal is to add barricades for bike lane and enforcing No right turn on red at these intersections Glenbrae Dr / Saratoga Ave; Saratoga Ave / 85, Saratoga Ave / Fruitvale Ave. For students biking from the other side of 85 have to either use Cox Ave, which always have speeding cars despite the speed limits (I myself almost got ran over twice while crossing), or they have to use Saratoga Ave, and that is dangerous because of the 85 traffic freely speeding to get onto 85. Cupertino has done this well near schools and we should mimic that.
Encourage biking by making it safer – Redwood Middle school and the 2 other private schools on Saratoga Ave
by admin | May 22, 2024 | 95070, Life in Saratoga, Saratoga, Saratoga Calendar, Saratoga Events, Saratoga Government, Saratoga News, Saratoga, CA, Saratoga, California